Friday, May 15, 2009

Krafty Kids

I decided to take today to share some of our crafts and special family projects. I usually try to do at least 1-2 crafts per week. My girls are really into painting and anything that is messy. I used to be the mom who worried about them and the house getting messy, or spilling stuff, running clothes etc. However, when I just let go of that control and seen how much joy came with the activity I have just rolled with it

This Craft here would scare most people, and no the clean up was not fun but it was so much fun doing this. (Koolaid finger paint/paste) you can tell these pics are old MoMo has on a pull-up

I’m always looking for new ideas of things to do that are cost effective, educational & fun. You would be surprised by how many items you already have can turn into crafts.
Another project we did once with just a big of rice, tin foil & empty paper towel rolls. We painted the paper towel rolls, covered the bottom end well with tin foil (secured it with a bit of hot glue) put about 1/3 cup of rice (yes that is uncooked rice lol) and secured the top with the tinfoil/glue and instant rain sticks. The girls also used them as musical instruments and danced around listening to their favorite cd (worship jamz)

The girls are also really into baking. Especially Morgan, she really loves making bread because kneading the dough and punching it down is so much fun for a 3 year old. We bake a ton of bread so she pretty much knows how much of everything we need better than I do and I have been making it for a long time. I recently have given up some control in the baking department. I never wanted to let the kids crack eggs because I always feared shells however I started letting them do it in a separate bowl and they are quite good at it now. That is one thing I find as a parent is one of the hardest things to get to the point of teaching them something although you know errors will be made and minor stress involved VRS just doing it your way and not showing them because of time factor, wanting it done right etc.

My little Chef MoMo! And group bread kneading

Now I will also let you in on one of my favorite websites for kids, this is an awesome source for Homeschoolers & tons of craft ideas. It has both free and subscription service, I opted to join because we use it so much totally worth $20 for the year.
I will be back with more later, my littlest darling just woke up from her Am snooze.

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