Saturday, February 6, 2010

Snowed-in Saturday..

Never thought I would see the day! 20+ inches of snow! WOW! the cable is all messed up as well which is not good at all considering tomorrow is Super bowl Sunday. Thankfully it's not the Steelers but, my darling husband is a HUGE Saints fan. I know know that when then national weather service calls for 3-6 inches of snow that they could be dead wrong. So shopping ahead is the best idea. Thankfully we do have some stuff but wont be having the super bowl spread that I wanted to put out for my crew. I may try to make a football shaped cake or something. I can make some pita bread and hummus as well but that is about all. I gave my blogs a face lift I hope you enjoy the new looks check out &

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Work in progress Wednesday.

Life is just that it seems a work in progress. Friday is my "big" shopping day. This may sound insane to some but I love the chaos of a 4 cart trip. generally I stock up on our bulk supplies and meat for the month. Generally $800 feeds our family of 6 for 3-4 weeks. That may sound high to some but in our region organic foods are expensive, grass fed hormone free range meat is outrageous but worth it to feed our bodies and minds. My recent conquest is eliminating HFCS from our diets which is proving to be hard but doable. Today I am working on clipping coupons and our menu for the month. Its pretty important to know what your making for the month when you eliminate weekly or daily shopping trips.