Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Baby wearing week

Check it out, one of my dear online friends is doing a giveaway on her blog :)

now if your not a baby wearer you can always enter and pass it along to me ;) lol


click the link to enter :)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Wednesday's Whine

I hurt my wrist so typing a lot is pretty much out. It hurts like CRAZY...ugh.. I have to see an ortho because xrays showed an abnormality no break but "boney density" which Dr Google says could be osteoporosis.. great..

In other news looks like asfos is going back to hyena cart :) I have joined a congo. hopefully this will go well despite my self not being at 100% wish me luck.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

MGR's TWBA for the week of 8.31.09

From Kristin: Do you work better with a routine? Or do you prefer to fly by the seat of your pants? Or maybe it's in between. Post about it. You can post a daily routine. You can post about not having a routine. You can post about how you want a routine. Or how you used to be routined and something happened and you're not. (Not that it's happened to me or anything!)

Uh well, I do try to have somewhat of a Routine, as in meal planning, bedtimes etc. A cleaning routine. but as far as a regimented daily schedule it just never happens kids are unpredictable and trying to follow a set schedule tends to stress me out if I don't follow it. Therefore I am a "fly by the seat of your pants" kinda mama 90% of the time
now just because this is a blog assignment you didn't think you would get away without some form of images.. here is a look at our weekly menu. I post this on the fridge and avoid the MOM WHATS FOR DINNER line..usually LOL

however this is just a guide, meaning we will cook these meals at some point this week we often swap days and tonight eating out we have the kids open house and no time to cook.

Work at Home Wednesday/Thursday

Well it is after midnight LOL
I spent a good chunk of my evening getting my blog set to a fall theme. I know its not quite the fall equinox just yet, but it sure is getting chilly already. If you want to know I personally don't like fall *gasp* only because it means that yucky ol' winter is on its way. For those who know me well know that I have some medical issues one being I'm physically allergic to the cold.. sounds strange I know but google cold urticaria it will blow your mind, you will all want to send me some snugglies! ha! Last year I was also diagnosed with Raynaud's disease. Talk about a double whammy! So my hibernation will begin soon. Every winter I tell dh I want to move to Hawaii and he says he wants to move to Alaska. I can't blame him, he is a chef and works long hours in a hot kitchen everyday. I do though hope God allows us to retire as snowbirds. That would be such a blessing. I always say I'm going to get better about posting more, and I always fail. I have such a busy life and I'm gearing up to re-open my online store soon. I'm no longer going to be on hyena cart moving over to ETSY. I like the set up better, no frills let the merchandise do the talking. I will be offering many of the same products minus the Hyena cart graphics/set-up packages, and a little less on the apparel and tie dye's I love to do that stuff don't get me wrong but I can also admit that many others do it far better than I and I'd rather focus on products that I do well at. I will leave you with some pics of interesting things over the past week or so, and some of new necklaces I made. I will be selling my necklaces and earrings of course.. these are just to cute not to share.

Cady wearing one of my mama made tutu's she will make a better model when she can stand on her own.. this is Mo's tutu but Erynn wanted Cady to try it on lol

Mo just had a pedicure.. I gave her the works, she is blowing on her feet here.

Necklace #1

Necklace #2