Friday, July 31, 2009

Fab Friday..

Oh yes fab it was..No really it was.. Erynn and Aria had a field trip to AIU they came home with goodies, faces painted.. even treats for Mo who couldn't go. Mo and I discussed our plans for her school year. we are "unschooling" yeah I know that may be a foregin term to some however its doesn't mean that we are not educating. Education is a top proirty in our home. It's more so a child-led type of learning. We are starting monday I asked Morgan "what do you want to learn" she says "I want to learn about chocolate, scarecrows & how to make a skeleton" I turn that around to "Ok, lets learn about chocolate and the letter C because chocolate starts with C" She gives me the thumbs up and we role with it. So we will be talking about the coco plant, Hershey PA, and the letter C and C sounds. We will also eat some chocolate of course, and bake some chocolate cookies and if time and weather premits maybe a trip to the library to find a book about chocolate. Everyday of course will be differnt but this will really help me in finding out what her learning style is. Some days I will give suggestions as to what I think we should talk about but I will be making sure we are keeping learning to her intrests. Monday is also the girls first day at thier new school. They are very excited, we are about to do a fashion show with thier uniforms so I will add those pics in a bit.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Scrumptious Saturday

I feel like doing some cooking today. I got a bunch of random things to use up in a hurry. It's raining cats and dogs and so humid. I got the A/C blasting away so I might as well warm up the kitchen. But what to make..I have Black Berries, Zucchini, & tons of banana's

I'm thinking I'll start with

Fried Zucchini

3 zucchini
1/4 cup yellow cornmeal
2 tablespoons olive oil
salt and pepper to taste

Wash and dry the zucchini. Trim off ends, then slice zucchini into 1/8 inch thick rounds. Place cornmeal in a medium bowl, and toss in zucchini slices, mixing thoroughly to coat.
Heat oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium heat. Place all of the zucchini pieces into the hot oil and fry over medium heat. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Watch zucchini closely, adding more oil if it begins to brown too quickly. When it is golden brown on one side, flip it over to brown on other side. It will clump together as it cooks, that is what you want.
When zucchini is evenly browned, turn heat down to low and cover pan with a lid. Allow it to steam until zucchini is slightly tender. Turn zucchini, replace lid, and steam until soft. Remove lid and turn heat back up to medium-high. Fry on both sides until crisp. Serve hot.

And maybe for desert

Blackberry Cobbler

1 cup butter or margarine, divided
1 cup sugar
1 cup water
1 1/2 cups self-rising flour*
1/3 cup milk, room temperature
2 cups fresh or frozen blackberries
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
2 tablespoons sugar

In a 10-in. round or oval baking dish, melt 1/2 cup butter; set aside. In a saucepan, heat sugar and water until sugar melts; set aside. Place flour in a mixing bowl; cut in remaining butter until fine crumbs form. Add milk, stirring with a fork until dough leaves sides of bowl. Turn out onto a floured surface; knead three or four times. Roll out to an 11-in. x 9-in. rectangle 1/4 in. thick. Spread berries over dough; sprinkle with cinnamon. Roll up, jelly-roll style. Cut into 1/4-in. thick slices. Carefully lay slices in baking dish over butter. Pour sugar syrup around slices (syrup will be absorbed). Bake at 350 degrees F for 45 minutes. Sprinkle sugar over top and bake 15 minutes more. Serve warm or cold. (*If self-rising flour is not available, use 1-1/2 cups all-purpose flour plus 1/4 teaspoon salt and 2-1/4 teaspoons baking powder.)

For dinner, not so sure what to make. I might make some homemade mac n cheese and some fresh green beans. My kids are not big fan's of homemade mac n cheese but I keep hoping they will find the love for it because I DONT like the boxed stuff.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Fab Friday..

Nothing news worthy today other than Cady is 8 mts old today. Her first year is just flying right on by. One thing I can say about having a large family is I have so much going on that it happens right under your nose and you feel that you don't get as much 1 on 1 time as you did with just 1 baby. She is really nothing like her sisters. I was really hoping she would be more like Morgan she was the most easy going of all the kids. She has her own little personality though which is great. Didn't do a whole lot today just spent a little time with the kids visited with a neighbor friend. Tomorrow is going to be a bit more busy and I hope to hit the library and park as well. I don't like just sitting around the house on a sunny day. I really want to try to get some nice pic's of the girls to do some digi scraps. My darling hubby is working all day so it will be nice to just have a girls day.

Cady's 8mth pic (not the best pic but she wasn't being very photogenic today)

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Thankful Thursday.

I often see on blogs that people spend a fair amount of time complaning and griping. I too am guilty of doing it as well..And still will from time to time. So taking today to write about being thankful. Sometimes it's hard you may have to dig deep. I have many blessings My Girls for 1..they are healthy..That is something you sometimes take for granted. Just spend 5 minutes at and you will know what I mean. So many sick children in this world it breaks my heart. Always makes me want to hold my babies close and never let them go. Another thing to be thankful for which many take for granted as well is my husband, sure we can all gripe about them. He is amazing, crazy smart & talented. He works hard to provide a lifestyle for us which allows me to stay home with our daughters. I'm trying to be more greatful for him. I know he works hard for us everyday. And most of all im greatful That God gave us his son to die for our sins so that we may be forgiven for our sins. That is HUGE. When you think of that sacrifice that was made for us as sinners its just bigger than what you can really wrap your mind around. I was trying to find a good scripture on thankfullness to post here but, had a hard time choosing what I wanted to use. So I decided on an entire chapter

Psalm 66
1Make a joyful noise unto God, all ye lands:

2Sing forth the honour of his name: make his praise glorious.

3Say unto God, How terrible art thou in thy works! through the greatness of thy power shall thine enemies submit themselves unto thee.

4All the earth shall worship thee, and shall sing unto thee; they shall sing to thy name. Selah.

5Come and see the works of God: he is terrible in his doing toward the children of men.

6He turned the sea into dry land: they went through the flood on foot: there did we rejoice in him.

7He ruleth by his power for ever; his eyes behold the nations: let not the rebellious exalt themselves. Selah.

8O bless our God, ye people, and make the voice of his praise to be heard:

9Which holdeth our soul in life, and suffereth not our feet to be moved.

10For thou, O God, hast proved us: thou hast tried us, as silver is tried.

11Thou broughtest us into the net; thou laidst affliction upon our loins.

12Thou hast caused men to ride over our heads; we went through fire and through water: but thou broughtest us out into a wealthy place.

13I will go into thy house with burnt offerings: I will pay thee my vows,

14Which my lips have uttered, and my mouth hath spoken, when I was in trouble.

15I will offer unto thee burnt sacrifices of fatlings, with the incense of rams; I will offer bullocks with goats. Selah.

16Come and hear, all ye that fear God, and I will declare what he hath done for my soul.

17I cried unto him with my mouth, and he was extolled with my tongue.

18If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me:

19But verily God hath heard me; he hath attended to the voice of my prayer.

20Blessed be God, which hath not turned away my prayer, nor his mercy from me.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Working Wednesday...

So, today Is going to be my new cleaning day. Yes I understand with 4 kids I do have to clean EVERYDAY..I don't..I should...So I'm calling this Working Wednesday (deep cleaning day) My wonderful hubby helped work on the kitchen last night, I cleaned out the fridge so that is something I can scratch off the list for today. I need to finish up the kitchen & organize the pantry. We have been packing some because moving will happen hopefully sooner than later so really trying to get through everything and attack the laundry monster.

Things just need to be more orderly in my home. I want things to run smoothly. I don't want to feel stressed about the house. I want my husband to come home to a tidy home and a hot meal on the table. I don't think that is to much to ask. He works hard, therefore I should work harder. I'm doing 2 bible studies right now on Proverbs 31 & Titus 2 and its working in my life in someways. God can move mountains and I want to see him move in me so that I can be the best wife to my Husband and Mother to my children.

Monday, July 6, 2009

The 4th & stuff

I so wish I would of gotten better pics. The kids where so busy with all the activities my Aunts had planned for them. I wasn't surprised that Cady loved fireworks, she loves loudness which is a good thing with 3 LOUD older sisters lol. We had a huge bbq with family and friends it was really nice to see everyone. The girls had appointments today. Morgan and Aria had dental appointments, and Erynn and I had Doctors appointments. Erynn is still battling eczema and metal/alloy allergies the poor thing is always with skin issues, we changed up her meds a bit and started a preventive antibiotic because she is very susceptible to MRSA/Staph infections waiting on a culture to come back hoping it is negative then we can stop the antibiotics. Aria needs to see an orthodontist apparently because of her prematurity and her "failure to thrive" one of the drawbacks of under development is that her jaw is not large enough for adult teeth we are not sure what the plan of action will be but her teeth are not falling out like they should she has only lost 2 and she should be at least at 4-8 and the 2 that grew in have the teeth pinned to where they can't come loose. Her enamel is very week (due to under development) Morgan has the start of 2 cavities so they are going to do sealants in 6 months nothing to be done at this stage of the game. As for myself.. still high blood pressure :( I was hopeful that it was improving but I had to give in and start meds hopefully it will be under control soon and I can go back off them.. I was without for 2 years and did fine. I have to go back in another month to see if the meds are helping. Aria and Morgan still need summer physicals, and Cady will have her 9mth appointment soon as well. Then Erynn to the dentist and we are done for a bit. To be safe I'm keeping Erynn home from camp til the culture comes back or after 3 days of antibiotics. My best friend Michelle is coming on the 19th so we are looking forward to some fun girl time. I haven't seen her baby boy Jack yet I'm so excited to get to see her in the role of Mommy and its been awhile since we have seen her. She will only be here for 3 days so we have a lot to fit in.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Healthy me

started my new healthy life style officially on June 9th. After visiting the doctor to discover that my high blood pressure is back (it had been fine for 2 years) I go back for a re-check on July 6th and will be happy for the doctor to see that I have taken this seriously and have lost 20 pounds hoping that will drop my bp down some as well. I think the combination of breaking my ribs and nursing Cady around the clock (thus making me so hungry all the time) didn't help my weight at all. My goal isn't so much to lose weight as it is to live a more healthy life style, losing weight is the bonus. Today I started the 30 Day shred with Jillian Michaels (the evil trainer from the Biggest Loser) it was hard I'm sure I will be feeling it tomorrow. I really do want to get into better shape physically I would love to run a mini marathon next year. I'm not brave enough to post before and after pic's maybe when I'm all slim and cute again I will post and be like... look at me now... and now look at then... lol..
the funny thing is as I'm still nursing a rib injury I decided to watch the workout first. Aria and Morgan did the entire thing.. I was impressed.. I was thinking GEEWIZ if only they listened to me they way they did Jillian LOL. I did pull a muscle in my thigh last week so I had to modify a bit. I'm going to do my best to stick to this 30 day workout. However, I cant imagine doing it with dh home so I will have to do it on his off days before he wakes up.
And lastly I have a few pics.. no post is complete with out those..

Morgan w/ Clifford at the 3 rivers art festival (her special daddy day)

Cady playing on the front deck, she moves he arms so fast the blur LOL