Monday, July 6, 2009

The 4th & stuff

I so wish I would of gotten better pics. The kids where so busy with all the activities my Aunts had planned for them. I wasn't surprised that Cady loved fireworks, she loves loudness which is a good thing with 3 LOUD older sisters lol. We had a huge bbq with family and friends it was really nice to see everyone. The girls had appointments today. Morgan and Aria had dental appointments, and Erynn and I had Doctors appointments. Erynn is still battling eczema and metal/alloy allergies the poor thing is always with skin issues, we changed up her meds a bit and started a preventive antibiotic because she is very susceptible to MRSA/Staph infections waiting on a culture to come back hoping it is negative then we can stop the antibiotics. Aria needs to see an orthodontist apparently because of her prematurity and her "failure to thrive" one of the drawbacks of under development is that her jaw is not large enough for adult teeth we are not sure what the plan of action will be but her teeth are not falling out like they should she has only lost 2 and she should be at least at 4-8 and the 2 that grew in have the teeth pinned to where they can't come loose. Her enamel is very week (due to under development) Morgan has the start of 2 cavities so they are going to do sealants in 6 months nothing to be done at this stage of the game. As for myself.. still high blood pressure :( I was hopeful that it was improving but I had to give in and start meds hopefully it will be under control soon and I can go back off them.. I was without for 2 years and did fine. I have to go back in another month to see if the meds are helping. Aria and Morgan still need summer physicals, and Cady will have her 9mth appointment soon as well. Then Erynn to the dentist and we are done for a bit. To be safe I'm keeping Erynn home from camp til the culture comes back or after 3 days of antibiotics. My best friend Michelle is coming on the 19th so we are looking forward to some fun girl time. I haven't seen her baby boy Jack yet I'm so excited to get to see her in the role of Mommy and its been awhile since we have seen her. She will only be here for 3 days so we have a lot to fit in.

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