Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Healthy me

started my new healthy life style officially on June 9th. After visiting the doctor to discover that my high blood pressure is back (it had been fine for 2 years) I go back for a re-check on July 6th and will be happy for the doctor to see that I have taken this seriously and have lost 20 pounds hoping that will drop my bp down some as well. I think the combination of breaking my ribs and nursing Cady around the clock (thus making me so hungry all the time) didn't help my weight at all. My goal isn't so much to lose weight as it is to live a more healthy life style, losing weight is the bonus. Today I started the 30 Day shred with Jillian Michaels (the evil trainer from the Biggest Loser) it was hard I'm sure I will be feeling it tomorrow. I really do want to get into better shape physically I would love to run a mini marathon next year. I'm not brave enough to post before and after pic's maybe when I'm all slim and cute again I will post and be like... look at me now... and now look at then... lol..
the funny thing is as I'm still nursing a rib injury I decided to watch the workout first. Aria and Morgan did the entire thing.. I was impressed.. I was thinking GEEWIZ if only they listened to me they way they did Jillian LOL. I did pull a muscle in my thigh last week so I had to modify a bit. I'm going to do my best to stick to this 30 day workout. However, I cant imagine doing it with dh home so I will have to do it on his off days before he wakes up.
And lastly I have a few pics.. no post is complete with out those..

Morgan w/ Clifford at the 3 rivers art festival (her special daddy day)

Cady playing on the front deck, she moves he arms so fast the blur LOL



  1. LOL I was going to start the 30 Day Shred next week. I love that it is free On Demand. Make sure to blog about how thin and fabulous you feel tomorrow morning...don't mention the soreness or I might not get up the modivation to do it!

    (P.S. I do have before and after pics...horrific!)

  2. Its really not to bad on level one anyway. I didn't finish today, funny how my muscles are fine BUT I need a more supportive bra the ta-tas couldnt take day 2 of jumping jacks lol
